Cloud-based business system
for small and large businesses

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A complete solution from sales to invoicing

  • Customers
  • Credit monitoring
  • Contracts
  • Loading orders
  • Analysis & statistics
  • All types of production
  • Production planning
  • Production reporting
  • Profitability calculation
  • Analysis & statistics
  • All types of stocks
  • Disposible overview
  • Stock transactions
  • Positioning of packages
  • Reserve packages
  • Analysis & statistics
  • Delivery planning
  • Loading with hand scanner
  • Delivery notes
  • Follow-up of transport costs
  • Analysis & statistics
  • Co-invoicing
  • Invoice documents according to industry standards
  • Automatic accounting
  • Accounting records
  • Certificate reports
  • Intrastat reports
  • Analysis & statistics

Arne Carlsson

Sales manager, Hanåsa Sawmill

"A very good overview of what's in stock, simplification of invoicing, smoother contract management and even load order management has been improved. We find it hard to imagine how we could cope with larger loads without TimberBase as support - the whole process is faster compared to earlier."

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Responsive for all devices

TimberBase is completely cloud-based and can be used on any type of device that has a web browser. To get a really good user experience on e.g. a mobile phone or handheld scanner, the information displayed must be adapted to the screen size. This is what is called a responsive system. TimberBase is built that way.
We have customers who use their phone or tablet to handle packages and print delivery notes. Others opt for handheld scanners with a screen of the same size.

Cloud-based service

TimberBase is completely cloud-based and offered as a service. Internet connection and a web browser are all that is needed. Computer, tablet or phone can be used. Software updates are handled completely automatically. Backups are taken every day in a secure environment. Living with TimberBase is easy.

The whole business chain

TimberBase covers the business chain from contract to invoice. There is also a production section that can handle everything from timber to processed goods. Everything is developed from the beginning to fit together as a unit. The database is designed so that it is easy to adapt the system for different types of business. The system is very scalable and suitable for both the small company and the larger company with several production units.


Simple and robust integration with other systems is important to TimberBase. This can apply to production systems such as timber sorting, saw intake, packers, planers, etc. Integration with financial systems is also often relevant with invoices and payments. Business partners such as customers, agents, carriers can receive documents or notifications in XML format.

Cloud technology offers many advantages. TimberBase is accessible 24/7 from any location. No local server to take care of. Backups and updates are handled automatically in a secure environment without any user intervention. There will be an effective distribution of costs because several people share the resources. TimberBase is also quick and easy to use. We do everything to make it intuitive and stimulating to use TimberBase. It means satisfied users and also provides short learning period for new users. Thanks to a prepared starter kit, you can quickly get started with TimberBase. With our experience, we can suggest how TimberBase should be set up to suit the business. For administration, support and further development, there is a simple system, also cloud-based, where users can ask questions, report problems or make suggestions for improvement. In a portal, you can both register and follow the case. It has proven to work very well.

The very well thought out database in TimberBase is the basis for the flexibility found in the system. The database was originally designed to cover all core processes in a wood industry company. From sales, through production, stock and deliveries to the invoice. The customer company itself chooses which parts of the business are to be covered. It's a matter of settings. There is no problem to expand the scope later. Some examples of which choices can be made: Should the stock of logs be included? Should the semi-finished products be handled as packages? Should we handle by-products in TimberBase? New additions to the business only mean a few new settings. No expensive consulting efforts are required. Over the years, the database and the system itself have proven to be able to cope with the load from hundreds of users. The possibility to start simple and then deepen the use also opens up for smaller companies that may not want to use all the functionality from the beginning. We have several examples of that.

It is vital to TimberBase that it is easy to integrate with other systems. We have built a modern and robust technology platform for it. Many thousands of packages and invoices have passed under close supervision. If something goes wrong, an alarm is sent via e-mail to the people concerned. Our solution is API-based but can also handle XML messages. Integration with production systems such as log scanner, saw intake, sticking, trimmer, planer is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind. It is easy for us to set up such integrations and we have ready-made solutions for several systems. Invoices can be sent to financial systems and information about payments received. Many customers request electronic documents such as specifications, invoices, delivery notes, etc. It is well prepared in TimberBase. We have also prepared so that external business partners (customers, agents, transporters,...) can log into TimberBase and see "their" information and download documents. The information is well defined and adapted for the purpose. Maybe also put in requests, make call-offs, etc. It can save time and increase accessibility for everyone involved. We see great potential in further digitization of collaboration between different partners in the value chain. Our open Web APIs make it possible to develop your own add-on applications to TimberBase, applications that are directly connected to the database in an orderly manner.

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Common questions & answers

  • Does the system work with tablet and phone?

    Yes, a web browser and Internet connection is all that is required. TimberBase is responsive, i.e. the content on the screen automatically adapts to the screen size

  • How do I know that the information is stored securely?

    We use a reputable company for the entire operating service. They are responsible for accessibility and security. Backups are taken every day.

  • Is there any additional software needed in the PC?

    No! TimberBase is a true cloud-based system. The entire system is accessible through the browser.

  • Can you use a Mac?

    Yes, we have several customers who use Apple devices

  • Does TimberBase include log management?

    Yes, it can be easily defined in the system. Raw material is its own product group with its own stock location

  • Can you handle by-products or biofuel?

    Yes, we are talking about quantity products where you only specify a quantity in any unit when selling and delivering

  • How do you become a customer?

    By reporting interest in TimberBase to us. We submit a business proposal where TimberBase is offered as a service according to a price list. We have elaborate plans for implementation. It is quickly possible to set up a database that is automatically filled with basic data.

TimberBase at Småland Timber

Småland Timber har haft ett eget affärssystem tidigare. Daniel Martinsson är mannen bakom det s...


TimberBase at Bröderna Carlström

At Bröderna Carlström, they have chosen to define each length as its own product or article...


TimberBase at Hanåsa Sawmill

Hanåsa Sågverk has been using TimberBase for a couple of years. Pontus Donne is CEO of the company and N...


Who is behind the company?

TimberIT is a company with deep roots in the wood industry, a competence that is combined with expertise in the latest technology. We are a strong team that complements each other. We are very interested in new technology. Above all, how new technical solutions can make TimberBase even better.