Contact Us!

Gunnar Niblaeus

070-593 95 41 Gunnar is responsible for the overall design of TimberBase. He has been responsible for many generations of systems for the wood products industry. As a management consultant, Gunnar has realized that it is extremely important that an IT system is easy to use. It is crucial for the system to be profitable.

Johan Halling

070-248 06 86 Johan has extensive experience with IT systems for the forest industry and is used to working in the entire technology stack from database and integration to user interface and web design. We also benefit greatly from his experience in IT development in larger companies with good knowledge of automated processes around software development.

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TimberBase at Småland Timber

Småland Timber har haft ett eget affärssystem tidigare. Daniel Martinsson är mannen bakom det s...


TimberBase at Bröderna Carlström

At Bröderna Carlström, they have chosen to define each length as its own product or article...


TimberBase at Hanåsa Sawmill

Hanåsa Sågverk has been using TimberBase for a couple of years. Pontus Donne is CEO of the company and N...