Jutos Timber chooses ForestBase

21 September, 2023


Gunnar Niblaeus

Jutos Timber has decided on ForestBase to support its wood procurement. We are of course very happy about that.

Jutos Timber är ett sågverksföretag med två produktionsenheter i Tornedalen vid polcirkeln. Huvudkontoret ligger i Teurasjärvi i närheten av Korpilombolo där också en produktionsenhet finns. Den andra produktionsenheten ligger i Tärendö.

The company has recently established its own organization for timber procurement for the two sawmills. ForestBase has been chosen as IT support for that part of the business. The system has the necessary functionality and is already used by other companies. Jutos Timber will also actively participate in the further development of ForestBase that has begun.

Contact us if you want to know more about ForestBase.


See more news here

ForestBase och ForestLink är sammankopplade!


Loading with a scanner at Hedlunds Timber

"We use scanners to blip packages when we build loads," says Thomas.


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